Jonathan Shubert is back and we geek out about how one can go 100 miles under three hours.
Follow Jon @howmuchcanusee.
I am at @markflorence11
Today on the Cycling Time trial podcast we welcome Jonathan Shubert and Michael Broadwith. They are from the UK and members of the Arctic Aircon Race Team. Jonathan has been in the time trial/cycling news a lot lately due to an eye-popping 100 mile time trial in 2:57:58, which translates to 33.714 mph or 54.26 mph. Thanks to Simon Bromley of Bike Radar for doing the math on this but to put it into further perspective, the ride is the equivalent of 10-10 mile TT’s at 17:48 or 4-25 mile TT’s at 44:29. Welcome to you both.
You can find Jonathan on Twitter @howmuchcanusee and Michael @24hourmaths.
I can be reached at and @markflorence11.
Thanks for downloading the show!