Steven Abraham has embarked on a remarkable endeavor, as during the 2015 calendar year, he is attempting to break Tommy Godwin’s 1939 record of completing 75,065 miles in one year. The Ultra-Marathon Cycling Association is validating Steven’s attempt, and Chris Hopkinson, a legendary long distance cyclist in his own right, is the official Crew Chief. You can contribute to the effort and follow Steven’s progress at
Michael Hutchinson, author of The Hour and Faster, is back to preview the multitude of attempts, both female and male, on cycling's hour record. Please note, the interview was recorded before Alex Dowsett broke his collarbone, so please adjust the narrative accordingly. Thanks for the listen, contact me at
Shows that feature workouts have been very popular. I have been imposing on guest athletes and coaches to provide a "favorite" workout when we finish recording their main shows. In this show, we welcome back David Ertl and Ian Stanford. I also give you one of my own favorite workouts. As always, thanks for listening. Contact me with questions and comments at